Generative Sound Installation
Plaundophoneound sound installation is aimed at rethinking the classic vinyl record player: a color pattern on the surface of a disk made of crushed recycled plastic acts as a trigger for sound events, and a video camera acts as a pickup. the image received in real time is converted into generative sound.the disks obtained from granules of crushed recycled plastic are unique: each has its own original color pattern. at the same time, the pattern itself can be influenced when creating a sheet by scattering the granules in the right way. when person looking at the color spots on the surface of the plastic disk, synesthesia occurs. PLAundophone allows this synesthesia to be embodied.
PLAund = PLA + sound
PLAund + phone = PLAundophone
Behind the Scenes
Creation Process
The project received the nomination for the 'Best Media Object' category at the Sergey Kuryokhin Contemporary Art Award in 2022
The project participated in the group exhibition:
"Recycled Sound" at the GROUND Solyanka Gallery. From April 12 to May 15, 2022. Moscow, Russia "Eco. Techno. Art" at the Krasnokholmskaya Gallery, From May 21 to August 7, 2022, Moscow, Russia “Nominees of the Sergey Kuryokhin Award for 2022” at Sergey Kuryokhin Center for Contemporary Art, from May 18th to June 30th, 2023. Saint-Petersburg, Russia